It’s late spring in the 1990’s at a police station, located in a quaint village nestled next to a vast, untamed forest known for it’s scenic hiking trails. Initially, it was just a few more reports than ordinary of animal attacks and weird sightings, but nothing unusual for this town. As time progressed, the reports grew more and more troubling. A young woman had gone missing while hiking and after that, it wasn’t long until the first body was discovered.
Reports of even more missing hikers and incidents begun to flood in and due to these escalating incidents, the head of the police decided to blockade the road leading into the forest. He sent in a police investigation team, aided by a helicopter search for lost people but within a few hours, the unit went radio silent… Your unit was quickly dispatched in the last remaining helicopter, hoping to uncover the truth before the night falls…
Denna oneshot kommer att hållas på engelska och är 16års gräns! Regelsystemer är Call of Cthulu och5 platser finns att skriva upp sig på. Karaktärer kommer att finnas färdiggjorda men man har möjlighet att lägga till lite flavour!
Arrangerat av: Camilla
Fredag 19:00-23:00